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Gunmen Attack Igangan, Kill Amotekun Commander, Others

Tragedy struck again as gunmen suspected to be herdsmen attacked Igangan, Ibarapa North Local Government Area of Oyo state killing four residents on Friday night.

Security operatives repelled the attack which led to the death of the Commander of Amotekun Corps in Ibarapa Central simply identified as Muri.

News reports say attackers stormed the town in two Hilux vans, an 18-seater Hummer bus, and a Toyota Sienna bus wearing military and customs camouflage.

It could not be confirmed at press time if the attackers were real security operatives. Sources
said the residents initially lowered their guards thinking the men were customs operatives in search of suspected smugglers.

It was gathered that the suspected gunmen arrived in the community around 7 pm on Friday.and attacked some areas.

A resident said the attackers stormed the community in large number but could not give
actual figure.

The convener Igangan development advocate, Oladiran Oladokun confirmed the attack saying the incident was an attempt to invade the state through the axis, a border community but was resisted by the local security operatives.

Oladokun said although, the suspected herders came in customs and military camouflage to deceive the people and change the narrative that it was security operatives who stormed the town in search of those who engage in smuggling activities, a practice that is alien to the people of the community.
He expressed disappointment over inadequate security despite the recurrence of the attacks.

A community leader, who spoke in confidence said: “Report reaching me now reveals that around 8:00 pm people suspected to be herdsmen again invaded Igangan and shoot.sporadically for over 30minutes. Some said they were Customs men as they wore Custom uniform but they were chased by local hunters after killing
some people.

“They also passed Igboora and continue shooting and it was reported people died in Igboora too including one Amotekun operative.

“It was reported that the Commander of Amotekun in Ibarapa Central has been killed.

Contacted, an Amotekun operative in Igangan who craved anonymity explained that the quick intervention of the local security operatives forced the assailants to retreat but not without killing some residents as they escaped through Abeokuta axis.

He said: “It is true. Around past 7 pm, we started hearing a noise around town that attackers have come again, and we quickly rushed out. They were shooting sporadically and heavily around AUD Quarters on their way to the town.

“By the turning to Jabele hotel, they killed a man.there. When they saw that we were coming after them there, they turned back and headed towards Tapa. When they got to Tapa, they killed another person.

“When they got to Ayete, they killed one person, when they got to Igboora, they killed the Commander of Amotekun in Ibarapa Central named Muri.

“They wore customs and military uniform as camouflage. They wore a fake uniform. In fact, they passed in front of Operation Burst operatives in Ofiki and those ones didn’t know they were assailants on a deadly mission.

“We suspected them to be herdsmen with the.way they operated and shot randomly while.carrying out the attack.

“They came in two Toyota Hilux vans, one 18-passenger hummer bus and a sienna bus. They wore both military and custom uniforms.

“I cannot ascertain their numbers because before.we got to where they were, as they entered into the town in Igangan, they shot at someone who.sat outside of his house at AUD Quarters, that was where everybody took to their heels.

“It was when we were hearing repeated gunshots that we too quickly organised ourselves to face them and when they knew we were coming after them, they changed direction and faced Tapa.

“When they got to Tapa, they killed one person, killed another at Ayete and when they got to Ideere, they shot at a soldier and they killed Amotekun Commander in Igboora.

We have informed the Police. But Operation Burst operatives are at Ofiki River, they said they taught they were customs and army operatives and that was why they allowed them to gain access into the town but that they didn’t know and they were deceived.

“We even gathered that they also shot at the customs operatives stationed in the axis too, an indication that the attackers are not genuine security operatives but we are not sure if they.also have any casualty.”

Recall that, only last month, suspected herdsmen invaded the town overnight killing many people in the process.

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