Osun On The Right Path Of Governor Adeleke’s Rebuilding Efforts

Osun Workers Threaten Protest Over Tenure Elongation, Demand NLC Intervention


Apr 21, 2024

The Osun State NLC Chairman, Comrade (Dr.) Christopher Abimbola Arapasopo, has been given seven (7) days to meet Governor Ademola Adeleke on the reversal of the approval of the service tenure elongation for the Head of Service and the Accountant General of the state.

This was contained in an open letter written on Sunday by the concerned citizens of Osun State and members of the trade union signed by Kola Adewale,

Adewale charged the Osun NLC chair to take the necessary step to prevent labour force from reacting openly during upcoming May Day celebration.


“We are writing this letter on behalf of concerned citizens of Osun State and members of the trade union to bring to your attention a matter of grave importance that has is raging in the moment. It is a public knowledge that the tenure of the Head of Service and Accountant General of Osun State has been unjustly elongated, a decision that we strongly believe goes against the principles of fairness, transparency and good governance.

“As a prominent figure in the labour movement and a representative of the workers of Osun State, it is imperative that you take a stand against such actions that undermine the principles of meritocracy and fair play within the civil service. The elongation of service tenure for these key positions not only sets a dangerous precedence but also deprives other qualified and deserving individuals of the opportunity to serve in these important roles.

“The provision of Section 169 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) guarantees the existence of the Public Service. Consequently, no government can operate effectively without the Public Service, which serves as the primary mechanism for implementing government policies, programs, and maintaining law and order. All career appointments, ranging from junior to directorate cadres (GL 01 – 17), within the Public Service adhere to the Public Service Rules (PSR), regulations, and other applicable rules as sanctioned by the authority of the State Civil Service Commission or enacted on its behalf. It is for this reason that we are writing this letter to bring to your attention a contending issue that threatens the established processes and status quo of the Public Service in Osun State.

“It is indeed surprising that the NLC Osun State Chapter has shown remarkable passivity concerning the Elongation Saga within the Osun Public Service. As the representative of the state’s workers, there is a palpable anticipation among them to understand your efforts in addressing the Elongation Saga. For the sake of clarity, the state’s workers staunchly support and hold positive beliefs in the Administration of Governor ADEMOLA ADELEKE. Your prompt intervention is urgently sought to portray you as our esteemed leader who prioritizes the welfare of his people(civil servants).

“Nevertheless, it must be noted that the authority vested in the Governor, in consultation with the State Civil Service Commission, according to the provisions delineated in Section 171, Subsection 2(d) of the 1999 Federal Constitution of Nigeria (as amended), extends to the appointment of career officers into senior leadership positions within Ministries, Extra-ministerial departments, and Parastatals. The unfolding events of today will definitely leave a big footprint in the annals of history. Hence, there exists no justification for the government to brazenly flout established protocols by elongating the tenures of retiring Heads of Service, Permanent Secretaries, Accountant- General, Auditor- General, Chief executives, or Directors upon reaching 35 years of service or 60 years of age, save for self-serving motivations and sentiment. The underlying rationale behind this provision aims to forestall the politicization of the public service, ensuring its impartiality while fostering unwavering loyalty and dedication to the policies of the current government. Additionally, it’s crucial to emphasize that within the ethos of the public service, there exists a deeply ingrained commitment to maintaining neutrality and camaraderie. This includes a steadfast tradition of avoiding the creation of unwarranted precedents, which could potentially lead to grievances and petitions from disgruntled officers.

“The adverse effects of tenure elongation in the Osun public service are glaring to all concerned citizens, and they are not merely incidental. This practice undermines the hierarchical seniority principle, compromising disciplinary enforcement within the service. Furthermore, it fosters stagnation and hampers the career progression of lower-ranking personnel. This, in turn, dampens morale among career officers, stifles initiative, and curtails the generation of innovative ideas and productivity. Additionally, tenure elongation perpetuates the politicization of the public service, as beneficiaries may be tempted to compromise ethical standards in allegiance to their patrons.

“We understand why you may have been quiet about this issue so far, but we demand that you meet with the Mr Governor as a matter of urgency to advocate for the immediate reversal of the approval of the service tenure elongation for the Head of Service and the Accountant General within seven (7) days to prevent labour force from reacting openly during upcoming May Day celebration.

“The labour movement has always been at the forefront of fighting for the rights and interests of workers, and we believe that you have a crucial role to play in ensuring that fairness and justice prevail in our State. We trust in your leadership and commitment to upholding the values of democracy and good governance.

“We respectfully request that you take immediate action on this matter and convey our concerns to the appropriate authorities. Time is of the essence, and we urge you to act swiftly to address this issue before it further erodes the trust and confidence of the people in the leadership of our state.

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