IGP’s Wife Egbetokun Empowers Police Widows, Less Privileged In Osun


May 23, 2024

The Wife of the Inspector General of Police and President of Police Officers’ Wives Association (POWA), Mrs. Elizabeth Egbetokun, has empowered police widows and less privileged women in Osun State. During her one-day working visit to the state, she encouraged the women to engage in agriculture to address food security in the country.

Speaking at the Police headquarters in Osun State, Egbetokun emphasized the importance of women’s contributions to food security through farming.

She introduced the “Young Women in Agriculture” initiative under POWA, which aims to promote food security and empower women. She encouraged all women to utilize their resources and skills to engage in farming, contributing to a more food-secure future for Nigeria.

Egbetokun commended the Commissioner of Police, Osun State Police Command, CP Umar Abba Muhammed, for his leadership and efforts in ensuring the safety and security of the state. She highlighted the crucial role of police families in supporting law enforcement officers and praised the women of POWA as “unsung heroes behind the badge.”
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The empowerment program included the distribution of various items such as:

– Sewing machines to support entrepreneurship and self-sufficiency
– Grinding machines to enhance food processing and preservation
– Makeup tools to promote beauty and self-care
– Dryers to support small-scale industrial development
– Hundreds of 25kg bags of rice to alleviate food insecurity

This initiative demonstrates POWA’s commitment to supporting and empowering police families and contributing to the well-being of communities nationwide.

The event was a significant step towards promoting food security, empowering women, and supporting police families in Osun State. The Police Officers’ Wives Association’s efforts align with the Osun Open Local Government Project’s goals of promoting inclusivity and supporting vulnerable groups, furthering the impact of both initiatives.
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The empowerment program is expected to have a positive impact on the lives of police widows and less privileged women in Osun State, enabling them to become self-sufficient and contribute to the development of their communities.

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