Osun Govt Commences Distribution of Sallah Package, Disburses Another Tranche of FG Palliative


Jun 14, 2024

The Osun State Government has begun distributing rice to vulnerable groups across the state as part of its efforts to alleviate the impact of fuel subsidy removal. The distribution exercise, which started three days ago, is being carried out through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security.

The program targets a wide range of groups and associations, ensuring that the palliative reaches diverse segments of the population. Beneficiaries include labor unions, inter-party advisory council, civil society organizations, pensioners, security outfits, ministries, departments, and agencies, religious associations, market unions, and persons with disabilities, among other registered associations.

Representing Governor Ademola Adeleke, Special Adviser on Agriculture, OSSADEP, and OSSADEC, Hon. Olaniran Akanfe Atidade, emphasized the importance of the program in mitigating food insecurity exacerbated by socio-economic challenges. “This initiative demonstrates our commitment to supporting the most vulnerable in our society,” he stated. “By ensuring access to essential food items, we aim to provide relief and promote stability within our communities.”

The distribution process has been meticulously planned to ensure fairness and transparency, with the Ministry of Agriculture urging full cooperation to ensure an orderly and equitable process. The administration remains committed to addressing food insecurity and enhancing citizen welfare through proactive measures.

The Special Adviser reiterated the administration’s dedication to continuing similar support programs in the future, aiming for a sustainable and inclusive approach to development and welfare. Beneficiaries are urged to make judicious use of the palliatives, and the government remains steadfast in its mission to improve the lives of all Osun State residents.

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