Faduri Faults LP Stakeholders Meeting, Calls it Obedient Meeting


Sep 8, 2024

Faduri Oluwadare Joseph, a Former Presidential Aspirant in the Labour Party (LP )and leader Rescue Movement for New Nigeria, has stated that the Labour Party (LP) has the opportunity to reorganize and win the next election, but if they can’t get their house in order, then they can’t ask Nigerians to take them serious.

“The more we have cracks in the system the easier for opposition to use us against us,” he added.

He said that he watched in array how the Governor of Abia State Otti put together a Stakeholders meeting with Mr. Peter Obi and waited to see who attended the meeting.

According to him in a statement, “First and foremost, everyone in attendance was only Mr. Obi and his people, and secondly, there was no member of the outgoing leadership from both factions in attendance, which call for questions, who and who did Gov. Otti invite to the Meeting?”

“Thirdly, why would such a highly sensitive meeting be done in Abia and not Abuja to centralise the meeting and on what constitutional authority does Gov Otti have to convene such a sensitive meeting? This brings me to the lack of leadership from Mr Peter Obi, who is supposed to be the one calling for such meetings and making sure all stakeholders are there, not obedient holders only.”

“Let’s be clear. I’m not a fan of Mr Abure nor in support of Alhaji Apapa, but the fact is you can not conduct such a sensitive meeting without making sure the excos whose tenure expires are also carried along in such meeting.”

“Many of us who are stakeholders and that contested with Mr Peter Obi never got an invitation .for such meeting, so what modus operandi did organisers of that meeting used to call for that high stake meeting? Definitely, any resolutions emanating from that meeting are null and void from the beginning, and illegality is not a remedy for illegality,” he stated.

He explained that the deep wound that the party is suffering from now is a result of an alleged lack of leadership from Peter Obi who could have stopped the bleeding abnitio when the crisis started then called both Abure and Apapa together to reconcile their differences then moved the party towards oneness.

”But instead allowed the party to crash itself from within, the same man now hiding under a Governor to broker a truce.

Sadly it won’t still work not even when the parties involved in the crisis are left out, if we will be moving from one litigation to another, from one court order to another so if we want to do anything at all to fix this party why don’t we just do it right for once and show the people of Nigeria we can organize and lead.”

“We have the opportunity to reorganize and win the next election, but if we can’t get our house in order, then we can’t ask Nigerians to take us seriously and the more we have cracks in the system the easier for opposition to use us against us.

I stand to want LP to move forward, but we must do it the right way.
Gov Otti has done well. He meant well for the party, not just done the right way.

Long live Labour Party. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”

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