
Apr 21, 2023

Open Letter To IBEDC On Extorting Estimated Billing On Black Meters

The attention of our esteemed right group, People Against Corruption and Injustice (PACI) has been drawn to the April 2023 Estimated billing in Osun State where you placed the majority of your customers using BLACK AND DIGITAL METER on estimated billings even though your marketers have access to pick reading on the said meters.

We became constrained to bear our mind on this issue of public interest after seen clearly that it is against the Electric Power Sector Reform (EPSR) Act 2005.

It is no gainsaying that majority of the masses who are victims of these estimated billings have paid for prepaid meters since 2016. The inability of your company to supply the already paid-for meters is and should be the a responsibility that you have to take with full chest without having to put your innocent customers in pain for your failure. The deaf hear turned to the ruling of National Electricity Regulation Commission (NERC) is another disappointment in the face of your customers.

Our Demands

We demand a thorough explanation on the delay of customers prepaid meters that have been paid for since 2016 and not yet delivered till date

We demand that IBEDC should stop the estimated billing of customers that have paid for prepaid meters but not supplied yet.

We shall not hesitate to take actions henceforth if the extortion situation persists.

Olaore Naheem
Head, Directorate of Public Affairs

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