Strike: Minimum Wage Negotiations Stall As FG Fails to Present New Offer


Jun 6, 2024

The negotiations between the Federal Government and labour unions over the new minimum wage have hit a snag. The Federal Government’s negotiating team failed to present a fresh offer beyond the N60,000 proposed last week, stalling further discussions.

ADULAWO NEWS recall that President Bola Tinubu had directed the Minister of Finance, Mr. Wale Edun, to prepare the cost implications of the new minimum wage and present a realistic figure within two days. However, at yesterday’s resumed negotiation meeting, the Federal Government team failed to present a new offer, citing the need to meet the President’s deadline.

A source close to the negotiations revealed that the meeting was adjourned to allow the Minister of Finance to meet the President’s ultimatum. The source stated, “We deliberated generally, and then they (the Federal Government team) said we needed to adjourn because they needed to get to the President. We understand they hadn’t given the President the cost implications, so they didn’t have anything to offer us.”

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Finance, Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, and the Minister of State for Labour. Negotiations are set to resume today at 2 pm.

When asked if the Finance Minister assured the labour unions of getting the President’s mandate before today’s meeting, the source replied, “They don’t have a choice. We’re not bothered about them. We know they can’t disobey the President. If they decide to disobey the President or if the President reneges on his promise, we all know the consequences.”

The labour unions are eagerly awaiting the Federal Government’s new offer, hoping for a more realistic and sustainable figure. The outcome of today’s meeting will determine the next steps in the negotiations.”

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