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Nigeria Air Takes Off By April 2022 – Aviation Minister

The national carrier, Nigeria Air is expected to take off in April 2022, the Minister of Aviation, Senator Hadi Sirika, has announced. This follows the approval of the outline business…

Fuel Subsidy Removal: Buhari To Give Nigerians N5,000 Transport Allowance

The minister of Finance, Zainab Ahmed has said that plans are underway by President Muhammadu Buhari led administration to remove fuel subsidy and provide “deserving” Nigerians with a N5,000 monthly…

BREAKING: Abducted UNIABUJA Professors, Four Others Rescued

The six persons abducted from the University of Abuja (UNIABUJA) in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) have regained freedom. It was gathered that they were rescued about three days after…

BREAKING: Gunmen Attack UNIABUJA Staff Quarters, Kidnap Four Staff

Suspected gunmen have invaded the Senior Staff Quarters of the University of Abuja at Gwagwalada Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. It was gathered that no fewer than…

Buhari Launches Digital Currency eNaira

President Muhammadu Buhari has launched the country’s digital currency, eNaira.The event was held on Monday at the State House in Abuja, with the Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo; governor of the…

N2bn For Int’l Trips, N135m For Meals Inside 2022 Budget For Presidency

The federal government has earmarked N150 billion to the presidency in the 2022 budget, including N135 million for meals and N2 billion for international trips. President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday…

FG Grants 12,000 Expatriate Quota Licences

The Federal Government of Nigeria has granted 12,000 Expatriate Quota licences to foreigners seeking to work in Nigeria whilst it has treated applications from 2,000 companies. This was contained in…

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